BAT4SFFD.ZIP 50,933 07-16-95 BAT4SFFD.ZIP Complete .BAT files for settingup Spitfire to run with Frontdoor. Included -RUNFD.BAT,EXEBBS.BAT, FDNODE.CTL for FD,XLATLIST for merging Nodediffs, AMAIL.CFG andfor DESQView and a complete down-to-earth
LOGUTL10.ZIP 35,182 06-09-95 Spitfire CALLERS.LOG Processor A neat littleprogram to strip all of the local logins fromyour CALLERS.LOG file. Freeware by EldonMartin.
MQWK16.ZIP 78,373 08-01-95 MicroQwk version 1.6 MicroQwk Offilne MailReader 1.6 Offers offline control of mail andmessaging needs using QWK mail. Improvedfeatures when used with Spitfire BBS's andLakota. Now supports routed SFNET mail.
MTZDX288.ZIP 2,422 06-25-95 [ MultiTech MT2834ZDX Modem Setup ] Stringsfor setting up your ZDX modem to operate withSpitfire in Data only or Data/FAX mode. ZDX'suse Class 2 FAX.
RETODAY2.ZIP 2,424 08-30-95 Makes a whole Months of Today in History
SCMENU.ZIP 54,196 07-21-95 ==<<SHADOW CITY BBS>>== These are the Menu,Welcome, Goodbye, and misc, display screensoff of Shadow City BBS. For use with Spitfireor any other BBS system.
SF05-95.ZIP 10,374 05-21-95 SPITFIRE Support Newsletter "Keeping InTouch" May 1995
SF06-95.ZIP 7,744 06-12-95 SPITFIRE Support Newsletter "Keeping InTouch" June 1995
SF08-95.ZIP 10,701 09-01-95 SPITFIRE Support Newsletter "Keeping InTouch" August 1995
SFFAM215.ZIP 94,521 07-10-95 SF-FAM 2.15 Spitfire 3.5 File Area ManagerIncludes complete SFFAREA.DAT editor. Supportfor multi-node,CDROM,offlinefiles,moving,copying,editing,sorting. Can runas an event, and utilize the FILE_ID.DIZ and
SFFAX102.ZIP 31,882 07-04-95 SFFAXOUT v1.02 - Create text messages fromSpitfire BBS message conferences and send outas fax transmissions without the need of afrontend mailer like FrontDoor. RequiresSpitfire v3.5 and BGFAX 1.47 or QuickLink II
SFL103B2.ZIP 115,280 07-04-95 SFLAST10 v.1.032 <<<<<<<< NOW FREEWARE!>>>>>>>> SFLAST10 v.1.032 WIDE BETA!Spitfire's New STATISTICAL Last Ten CallersBulletin Generator. Works with all BBSSoftware that uses DOOR.SYS.
SFM-353.ZIP 332,138 05-15-95 SF-Master Version 3.53 Release
SFNEAT17.ZIP 34,126 08-06-95 SfNeat v1.7 Cleans up before the next callerlogs into your Spitfire BBS. Removes unneededfiles due to system crashes. Now appends theCallers.tmp file to the Calle
SFNEWU23.ZIP 14,901 06-19-95 SFNEWU - Last 15 New User Bulletin for -SpitFire *FREEWARE* by FSS
SFNTC12C.ZIP 77,339 07-20-95 VERSION 1.2c PARASOFT (c) 1994 - 1995 NoticeGenerator for SPITFIRE. Will make nearly allof your display screens for your BBS.Features word wrap, two 3D and two standardstyle ANSI screens to choose from. Fourand
SFONBBS1.ZIP 48,465 07-04-95 SFONBBS version 1.1. SFONBBS is for SpitfireBBS systems. Its function is to createdisplay files to show callers who is loggedonto the BBS, and what they are doing, asthey log on. Written By: Jay Jackson
SFR10.ZIP 4,194 07-10-95 Spitfire Screen Rotater A small program thatwill rotate up to nine SF display files.Freeware by Eldon Martin.
SFROM21F.ZIP 225,502 07-05-95 * SF-ROM 2.10 - The Spitfire CD-ROM Door. *UART, FOSSIL, DIGIBOARD. Now supports *Spitfire 3.5 Lists. Keeps Own Database, *Enforces Limits, MultiDisk, MultiNode * FileTagging, Text Search, Offline * Requests, ZIP
SFSLA35.ZIP 51,960 06-07-95 [ SpitFire Security Level Advisor ] CreatesxxxxSEC.CLR/BBS Display Files For EachSecurity Level On Your Board. GREAT LookingScreens-Very Informative [ Version 3.5 ]
SFTIC_BN.ZIP 116,051 06-15-95 All the files you need to set up Spitfire,TIck, & Smiley to recieve files from theFidonet Filebone. Example files included!
SFTIDY12.ZIP 16,093 08-26-95 SFTIDY v1.2Excellent Revision Small CompactProgram To Cleanup And Delete Certain FilesIn The Event Of A Power Failure Or SystemLockup, Runs In Your System Batch Files ThatBrings Your System Up! Check out the DOCS for
SURESEND.ZIP 35,066 07-02-95 SURESEND version 1.0 SURESEND is a programthat is designed to work with SFFAXOUTwritten by Charlie Smith of Smith DataProcessing Services. SURESEND makes sure thatall of the faxes created by SFFAXOUT get sent.
TCI_15.ZIP 101,963 06-29-95 TCI-15 Screen Maker TCI is a SPITFIRExSEC.[BC ] Screen Producer, The Sysop Runs itONCE and has the Excelent screens for as longas they have thier BBS! NOW HAS CALCULATEDUP/DN RATIOS!! Armageddon Software
TSTLCL10.ZIP 7,034 08-19-95 TST4LOCL v1.0FREEWARE Simple utility forSpitfire sysops to use to execute onlinegames/utilities from a local logon, thatordinarily require different command linedirectives for local use. Can also be used to
VULCAN.ZIP 31,930 07-11-95 SPITFIRE ANSI MENUS Three sets of screendisplay used by Vulcan Top Gun BBS.